Ministry Teams
Where are you called to serve?
This introduction will allow you to describe the importance of small group ministry to your church and to the discipleship of the members.
The section next to this one is the “Featured Group” section and will display the most recent Group to be assigned the “Featured” category. This is a great way to promote new or visitor-friendly groups.
Ministry Teams
The Leadership Council
Shall provide for planning and implementing of all church programs. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church.
The Caring Ministry Team
Shall give attention to Christian formation, membership care and small groups.
The Serving Ministry Team
Shall give attention to local and larger community ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy.
The Learning Ministry Team
Focus on is educational programs including Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and other activities that reach not only the membership but also the community.
The Worship Ministry Team
Is responsible in working with the Pastor to provide meaningful worship opportunities both on Sundays as well as special days.
Staff Parish Relations Team
Advises the staff and pastor, recommends salaries, oversees hiring, and provides an interface between the congregation and the pastor/staff.
Stewardship/Finance Team
Shall compile a complete budget for the church, develop and implement plans for raising sufficient income to meet the budget, administer funds received, and provide education on Christian stewardship.
The Board of Trustees
Provides oversight and care of all real property owned by the church, reviews annually the adequacy of insurance, and serves as the corporate body of the Church subject to the direction and control of the charge conference.
Leadership Development Team
Works with members to ascertain spiritual gifts, assists each person to become actively involved in ministry, fills vacancies, and helps new members find areas of service.